The Good News About… Who is Jesus?
Jesus is the most amazing person that has ever lived. He was born in obscurity and never travelled far from home, but he has impacted human civilization like no one else. Today, over 2.3 billion people call him their Savior and Lord. Their lives have been transformed by his grace. You can know Jesus, too! Here are three truths about him.
Jesus is God’s Son, sent from heaven.
We all know something is wrong with the world. Death, disease, and injustice abound. The problem is that we live outside of God’s original design. Humankind, it turns out is not kind. Our sinful rebellion has brought brokenness and death to every one of us.
However, because God loves the world, he sent his Son as the great rescue plan. The Eternal Son of God became human in the womb of the virgin Mary. As John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” So what was that rescue plan?
Jesus is the sinless Savior of the world.
More impressive than Jesus’ miracles is the reality that Jesus lived a perfectly sinless life. He
never disobeyed God or broken God’s law—even when tempted by the devil in person (see
Matthew 4:1-11). He always loved God and loved people.
Because Jesus is perfect, he could take our place for our sins. He is the “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” (see John 1:29) On Good Friday he died on the cross to pay the debt of our sins.
Jesus is the Lord of all.
Amazingly, Jesus did not remain dead in his borrowed tomb. He rose again on the third day. After appearing to hundreds of people for 40 days, he ascended and returned to heaven. His resurrection demonstrates that he was truly innocent and vindicated by the Father. His ascension demonstrates that he is the Lord who has all authority. One day he will judge the world in righteousness.
Ever wonder why Jesus is the only way out of brokenness?
- We all experience brokenness in this world.
- But the good news is found in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
- Through Jesus we can leave brokenness and pursue God’s design.
Check out this brief video to learn how Jesus is our Good News.
I'm ready to leave brokenness.
If you’re ready to leave brokenness, turn and trust in Jesus today. He promises, everyone who calls on his name will be saved. Pray to the Lord, confessing your sin and faith.
- “Lord Jesus, be merciful to me, a sinner. I believe you died on the cross and rose again for me. Today I turn from my sin and self-effort to trust in you. Please heal my brokenness and restore me into a loving relationship with you. Come into my life and make me new. Be the Lord and Savior of my life. Restore me into your perfect design, now and forever. Amen.”
When you come to Christ he forgives all your sins and begins renewing your heart and mind. After receiving Jesus as your Savior, it’s important that you learn to follow him as your Lord. CLICK HERE to let us know you received the good news.
I’m not quite there yet, but want to learn more.
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