Sermon Series

Week by Week Messages

1/12 – The Beastly Kingdoms (Daniel 7:1-8)
1/19 – The Inauguration of the Son of Man (Daniel 7:9-14)
1/26 – The Rise of Rome (Daniel 7:15-28)
2/3 – TBD (Pastor Peter Preaching)
2/10 – The Rise of Medo-Persia (Daniel 8:1-8, 15-20)
2/17 – The Rise of Greece (Daniel 8:5-27)
2/23 – TBD (Pastor Peter Preaching)
3/2 – TBD (Pastor Peter Preaching)

Series Description

In a world of seemingly endless uncertainty, we need to know that there is a plan.

The second half of Daniel (Chapters 7-12) reveals how God has intricately planned the future of earthly kingdoms and the inauguration of the One True King.

Join us as we work through the Visions of Daniel where God unveiled his plan from 500 BC until the rise and fall of Rome.  Through them we will see that the Kingdom of God shall prevail.

Daniel also serves as the Rosetta stone for all of Biblical Prophecy.  The 70 weeks of Daniel 9 will be a special focus in our series.  They are the basis of understand the Olivet Discourse of Jesus and the Revelation of Jesus Christ to John.

In Daniel we learn that God is the dread Sovereign who rules over kings, nations and all of history. He raises and crushes kingdoms. He plans history intricately. And He is the one whose kingdom cetainly prevails.

You won’t want to miss a single episode of this series. Invite your friends and neighbors to this powerful sermon series which begins Sunday, January 12, 2025.