We envision being a vibrant disciple-making church bringing the hope of the gospel to the next generation in the Exton area.

We see young and old inviting their friends to explore faith, and our church cheering as their lives are transformed for eternity.


To invite all our neighbors to experience the freedom and family that God has provided through the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Our core values serve as the guiding principles that steer our church’s attitude and behavior towards one another and community.

Freedom – We are freed from guilt, shame and performance by the good news of Jesus Christ.

Family – We are an extended family, loving one another and adopting new members into this growing family.

Worship – We respond to God’s grace and glory by exalting Him in joyful and passionate worship.

Discipleship – We take personal responsibility to grow as Christians following Jesus together in everyday life.

Mission – We follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance to demonstrate and declare Christ’s love to our neighbors.

Historic Biblical Faith – We believe the Bible is the supreme and final authority for faith and practice. We agree with the great Creeds and the Reformed tradition.

Home and Hospitality – Our homes are a strategic sphere where faith is applied and others are invited to freedom and family.